Friday, October 1, 2010

Poll Friday, Round Two!

Hello! Since it is Friday, it's time for another poll question!

This week's isn't really a poll with definite choices, it's more of a "what do you want out of this?" question. So...
What shows do you want to see on here other than what already gets posted?

Let me know what you think. I am open to any new shows so don't be afraid to mention your fav :)

Wish you well,
St. Ann

*Also, in a little bit of an update concerning the lack of posts this week*
The only reason I haven't done any OTH recaps is because it is on at the same time as Glee and I must prioritize. I would just watch them online and then do a post, but the CWTV doesn't post the new episodes until the next week and the streaming is really bad. I still haven't seen the majority of the first two episodes because of this issue.

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I don't know if you watch this show but do 'Dancing With The Stars'! I love the show, but I'm rarely able to catch new episodes. It would be great to have re-caps of them. :D
