Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Britney/Brittany (Glee) Overview

Well, I don't know about you but I loved the Britney Spears episode. I loved that almost all of the numbers were drug induced (legally). It was provocative, yet refined; Over-the-top, with down to Earth moments. In particular at the end with Rachel's performance of "The Only Exception" (Paramore) directed toward Finn. But, on with the summary!

In the beginning, we are introduced to Emma's dentist boyfriend, Carl (played by John Stamos) and see that Mr. Schue is very opposed to doing Britney because she isn't a good role model. Brittany tells that she is also opposed to Britney because her name is also "Britney Spears" (Brittany Susan Pierce/ Brittany S Pierce). Carl comes in to see the club and talk about dental hygine and that's when the dream sequence/fantasy numbers begin! First with Brittany singing "I'm  A Slave 4 U", then a duet between Santana and Brittany on "Me Against the Music" ft. Madonna. Mr. Schue then spends his time in the office with Carl and they make a deal over Emma. Mr. Schue has to back off but as soon as Emma starts leaning his way it's game on. The next patient is Rachel, who while under anesthesia does a cover of "One More Time". Her outfit at school the next day gets every one's attention, making Finn uncomfortable. I'm not sure why the writers have this whole thing between them about how both of them have to be losers for their relationship to work. Doesn't make any sense to me.

In order to somewhat compete with Carl, Mr. Schue buys a new Corvette. This leads to our first sighting of Terri this season. She has returned to us as crazy as ever. Sue confronts Will about her finding Jacob Ben-Israel naked in the library doing God-only-knows-what and that she also is opposed to the club doing Britney. Our next dentist visit is Artie and while under he does a cover of "Stronger", which is one of my favorite songs, after a little run-in with Britney and the rest of the glee girls in which Tina and Artie apologize to each other for breaking up. Afterwards, Artie goes to talk to Finn about him being on the team and much to Finn's amazement Coach Beiste puts them both on the team. This leads to Finn and Rachel having a discussion in the locker room about what this means for their relationship. Basically, Rachel asks Finn to choose between football and her even after his description of a perfectly romantic gesture that he would be displaying at the game to let everyone know he loves her.

The next performance is an acoustic/a capella cover of "Toxic" (my personal favorite Britney song) at the homecoming assembly. This sends the student body into a "Britney Spears sex riot!" according to Sue. Following another historically inaccurate dramatic event, Sue says that she is going to sue Will for everything he has. Quinn goes up to Finn in the hall and tells him that because they are both popular again, they should get back together. We don't know that she isn't being serious and this whole thing was set up by Rachel in order to see how Finn feels about her, so I was freaking out the whole time. Much to my happiness, Finn gives Quinn this explanation that he will probably always have feelings for her but he is in love with Rachel and nothing is changing that.  After seeing this, Rachel does her performance of "The Only Exception" after giving a speech about how she was wrong to try and control Finn and that if their relationship is going to work, then they have to let each other follow their hearts and not try and control one another. In my opinion, that was the best part of the episode. Mainly because I ship Finchel hardcore and have been from the very beginning :)

Diagnosis: Avant-garde, yet wearable.

Wish you well,
St. Ann

Monday, September 27, 2010

Preview Recaps

Hola! Today is Monday! That means episode preview recaps :{) To be honest, I only got to watch Glee and parts of OTH last week so those are the only two I'll be doing today.

Glee: This week is the Britney Spears episode! As far as the preview is concerned, this looks better than the Madonna episode from last season. They are doing "Toxic", "...Baby One More Time", "Oops!...I Did It Again", "Stronger", "I'm A Slave 4 U", "Me Against the Music" and "The Only Exception" (All Britney except "The Only Exception", which is Paramore.) Sue seems outraged by the fact that they are singing Britney, John Stamos will make his first appearance as Carl, Emma's dentist boyfriend and Britney will make a cameo in the episode in a anesthesia-induced dream sequence at the dentist's office.

OTH:  Clay is still in between life and death, Brooke is firing her mother and Mouth and Millie are more than likely going to be getting back together. I am happy about Mouth and Millie. They have been one of my favorite couples over the course of the series. I'm not sure what they are going to do with Clay's character. He has a star billing and a part in the show's opening credits which means that they won't kill him off (if they do) any time soon. I saw another preview that has Nathan asking about whether or not a kidney donor would be coming up soon and if not, that he would donate if he was a match. This would end his NBA career and then the basketball aspect of the show (one of the things that I love) would be out.

Because I don't have to work tomorrow, I will have time to catch up on all my shows so I should have more recaps up during this week.

Wish you well,
St. Ann

Friday, September 24, 2010

Poll Fridays

Bonjola! See what I did there? I combined bonjour and hola. Get it? No. Okay maybe I just think it's funny.
Anyway, I have decided that I am going to do a poll on Fridays to close out the week. This week's is a little bit of a "How's My Driving" poll. I was going to add the nifty little poll gadget that Blogger offers, but it doesn't think that Monday at 2:20PM is a valid date and time so I'll just put it in here.

What do you think of this blog and my goals for it?

A) I don't use my brain, thus I have no opinions.
B) Meh. It's too early to tell.
C) I think that this blog has the potential to be marvelous!
D) Any other view that you may have.

Leave a comment with your answer. I'm looking forward to reading them!

Wish you well,
St. Ann

Thursday, September 23, 2010

So... Things may not go as planned.

Okay, I have to address this because it is bothering me. I do NOT have a DVR, therefore if I miss an episode, I missed it. Everything that I watch is on the Internet but I am finding myself with very little extra time between work and school and Hindi. I am going to talk to my boss about cutting my hours down to like Wednesdays and weekends because during the week it is too much. I don't need the money THAT bad. So until I either get a DVR or more free time, episode related posts may be a little behind. I have already missed the first 3 weeks of ANTM, the first 2 of OTH (Which is my favorite show), the season premiere of House and various other shows. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this will cause. I'm hoping that I can catch up a little over the weekend and on Monday.

Wish you well,
St. Ann

"Audition" Overview (Glee)

Hello! So, the title of the Glee premiere is totally relevant. Not only is the club searching for new members, but the show itself is working to expand its fanbase. It auditioned, and to me it passed with flying colors. This first episode was not the hyped-up extravagent spectacle that I think some people were expecting. It was pretty grounded in its themes and the way the storylines were executed. Even though Rachel sending the new girl to a crack house, not an active one however, was a little overboard it fit her character. Now, on with the synopsis!

The beginning of the episode starts off in a TMZ fashion with Jacob Ben-Israel interviewing various glee members about topics that he has posted in his "blog". Ironically enough, most of them were real topics that have been talked about over the summer. "How do you respond to a post on my blog that you should quit rapping?" (@ Mr. Schue.) That was the best one in my opinion. Mostly because I also do not enjoy Mr. Schue rapping. After the little opening sequence, we find ourselves in Figgins' office with the new football coach, played by Dot Jones, Sue and Schue yelling at each other about budget cuts. Both the Cheerios and the glee club's budget got cut by 10% and the football team's was increased. This causes Sue and Schue to colaborate for most of the episode to try and overthrow Coach Beiste (pronounced beast, it's French).

Because Matt transferred to another school, New Directions is looking for new members in order to qualify for nationals (which are in NYC). In order to recruit new people, the club does a performance of Jay-z and Alicia Keys' "Empire State of Mind". This was fantastic. I am in love with this version of the song. I liked how the rap parts were spread out over Artie, Puck and Finn. During the performance the camera cuts to our two new characters. We meet Sunshine in the bathroom while Rachel is hanging up posters and thus ensues the Telephone battle! This was a fantastic part of the episode. I was blown away by how well Sunshine can sing. She has such a powerful voice for someone who is 18. Sam's character is introduced to us when Finn overhears him singing "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" in the locker room. He then auditions with "Billionaire" by Travie McCoy & Bruno Mars with the rest of the glee guys backing him up.

Artie thinks that being on the football team will give him a better shot of getting Tina back so he confronts Finn about helping him join the team. They present the idea to coach Bieste and she shoots them down. When Finn tries to convince her to let Artie on, she yells at him and kicks him off the team. This leads to Finn wanting to try out for the Cheerios so that he can maintain some sort of popularity. Thank God that storyline didn't follow through. That would've been extremely awkward.

In the end, Sunshine auditioned for the club with "Listen" from Dream Girls and was welcomed to the club, Sam didn't even come to try out because of what coach Beiste did to Finn for trying something different, Schue gave up on trying to destroy Beiste Finn and Rachel had a beautiful moment in which they decided never to break up and then Sunshine was stolen from New Directions by Vocal Adrenaline's new coach Dustin Goolsby, played by Cheyene Jackson.

Diagnosis: Marvelous! I thought this was a great first episode and I am looking forward to next week's Britney episode!!

Wish you well,
St. Ann

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Are You Ready GLEEks?!?!

Hello! Unless you've been living under a rock for the past two months, you should know that Glee starts tonight!! I am so excited for this season premiere. The amount of spoilers that have been released by Ryan Murphy and Fox has been enough to get us enthused yet keep us wondering about future story lines.

This season we will see Finn and Rachel in a relationship that lasts the whole season, Artie and Tina break up and she goes after Mike Chang (other Asian), Santana and Britney may be having some sort of relationship, Quinn and Santana are going to have a battle over being head Cheerio, there is a new football coach and John Stamos will be joining the cast for a while as Emma's dentist boyfriend. And that's hardly all of the information that has been released.

 Relationship News:

*The very first thing I mentioned is my absolute favorite. I am a HUGE Finnchel fan and for them to be together for longer than 2 1/2 episodes makes me smile. They are going to have to overcome the whole "I slept with Santana" thing, but how they come out of that will set the tone for the rest of their relationship.
*The whole Artie/Tina break-up came as a little bit of a shocker to me. I thought that RM woud just leave them together because they are adorable and don't really have major storylines. For him to add Mike to the mix will shake things up a bit and create this awkward love triangle that every good show needs.
*We still don't know what is going to be happening with Puck and Quinn. I'm not entirely sure that I want them to be together just because they had a baby. It's not like they kept it and are living together with said child; that would be interesting. Besides, I don't think Puck's character really evolved much out of his player ways. Maybe he'll hook up with the new girl.
*Kurt is getting a boyfriend! This makes me happy. According to RM, he will be a member of the football team who is vocally talented, neither of these things are obvious to other people. This relationship has so many possibilities that it would take me forever to write them all out.
*Obviously, Mr. Schue and Terri are divorced. Emma and Mr. Schue aren't together. Enter John Stamos as a dentist. Yet again, love triangle ensues.

New Characters:

Sunshine Corazon, played by Charice.
In this season she gives Rachel a run for her money as head diva of the club. I have already seen parts of the Telephone bathroom battle that goes on in tonight's episode. All I can say is AHH!! I am super pumped.

Sam, played by Chord Overstreet.
This guy is playing new glee member and Kurt's boyfriend. He is also the
new guy on the football team who is Finn's rival.

Monday, September 20, 2010

First Dose of Tele-biotics

Hello! Because it is Monday (ugh, I know), I thought I would give you a little run down on what things will be happening on what days. Because the shows I watch are mostly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I have to spread out the recaps so I don't get too overwhelmed. So the schedule is as follows:

Monday: Preview recaps. After episodes they always give you a teaser of next week's ep. This is the day in which I will be addressing those. They will most likely all be compiled into one post.

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: Show recaps. These three days will be spent covering every painstaking detail of that week's episode. They will probably come in order of priority to me (OTH, Glee, ANTM, House, FNL, Life Unexpected, ect.)

Friday: I really don't know what to do with Fridays. The only thing on is The Soup, which I don't get to watch until Saturday morning because of band. I'll find something. Maybe a poll or I could have Photo Friday. I don't know what I'd do with Photo Friday. Or Football Friday. I do watch a lot of football. Well I have the rest of the week to decide.

Saturday: Overview of The Soup. If you don't already know, The Soup is a show on E! that compiles all the hilarious TV clips of the week into one half-hour of goodness. This show makes my life.

Sunday: Sunday=nap time. Everyone needs a break. Sunday is mine.

Well, there you go. That's the game plan for this blog over the next 14 weeks. Hopefully I keep up with this schedule I've created for myself.

Wish you well,
St. Ann

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Blog!

Hello there! This is a blog that I have created for a school class. I know, right?! A class about blogging. Awesome! I'm not quite sure what I am gonna make it about since I have a hundred ideas running around and our teacher made it very clear that this is not a diary. I do have a personal blog and you can find it here. I am looking forward to this class and using the technology of blogs to do something I like.

This is most likely going to be a TV recap blog about all of my favorite shows which are (in order of importance): One Tree Hill, Glee, The Soup, Teen Mom/16 & Pregnant, America's Next Top Model and Project Runway. If that's not what it turns out to be then it'll be a documentation of my Junior year of high school and the journey to my college decisions.

 Though, that's basically what my personal one is going to turn into so I guess this is gonna be a TV recap blog. There will be mentions of other realms of pop culture like music and movies. Usually when a band I love is coming to town or if I saw a great movie over the weekend. Other than that, it will just be a TV recap. I hope that this blog becomes your source of television information.