Thursday, September 23, 2010

So... Things may not go as planned.

Okay, I have to address this because it is bothering me. I do NOT have a DVR, therefore if I miss an episode, I missed it. Everything that I watch is on the Internet but I am finding myself with very little extra time between work and school and Hindi. I am going to talk to my boss about cutting my hours down to like Wednesdays and weekends because during the week it is too much. I don't need the money THAT bad. So until I either get a DVR or more free time, episode related posts may be a little behind. I have already missed the first 3 weeks of ANTM, the first 2 of OTH (Which is my favorite show), the season premiere of House and various other shows. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this will cause. I'm hoping that I can catch up a little over the weekend and on Monday.

Wish you well,
St. Ann


  1. I love the background of your blog. Very adorable (: I love love love glee. So I will be looking at your blog very often. I hope your boss will understand about cutting back your hours! Great job!
