Monday, November 15, 2010

Never Been Kissed (Glee) Overview

This episode had an interesting premise. The whole storyline revolved around the glee guys using mental images of coach Beiste in compromising positions to "cool off" whilst making out with their significant others. During one of said make out sessions with Quinn, Sam says Beiste's name which prompts her to think that they are having some sort of relationship. Sue tells Quinn to go public with the news as a double motive. A) to get Beiste fired (which is Sue's ultimate goal this season so far I think) and B) so that Sam will confess and he and Quinn can work it out.

Meanwhile the clubs competition has been announced for sectionals. The all-boys school Dalton Academy and a group of elderly people who are going back to school to get their GEDs. In continuation of the tradition, the boys vs. girls mash-up challenge commences with a little twist. The groups will be singing songs originally performed by groups of the opposite gender. Have to say the girls' was my favorite just because I love both of the songs they put together.

Kurt is getting sick of homophobic Karofsky so he goes to visit Dalton Academy where he meets Blaine, the very out, gay male lead of The Warblers (glee club). He gives him a little bit of inspiration to keep perservering through the bullying from Karofsky. When Kurt goes to confront Karofsky about it, Karofsky kisses him which leads us to believe that he is gay or at least questioning his sexual preferences. *Gasp* This leads to a confrontation by Kurt and Blaine and Karofsky just storms off.

After Mike confronts Beiste about "staying away from his woman" (after Tina said "Beiste" whilst making out with Mike), Beiste asks Will what is going on. After informing her, she quits and Sue's full cheerleading budget is restored. Will is horrified to receive this info from Sue so he goes to talk to Beiste about why she quit. She gives him this somewhat length-y speech about how she has never fit in because of the way she acts on the outside. That at the end of the day, she just wants to be reminded that she is a girl. And that she's never been kissed. *Cue pity/heartfelt kiss from Schue* and his sort-of tacky line, "Well now you've been kissed." The boys close the show with their mash-up and they dedicate it to Coach Beiste and winning her forgiveness.

Wish you well,
St. Ann

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