Monday, November 1, 2010

Finale pt. 2 (Project Runway) Overview

This is it! The finale of season 8. The episode opened up with a reunion of sorts. The whole cast got together with the judges to talk about the season and they showed little overviews of the finalists and their journeys this season. As their last little challenge, each designer had to eliminate one look from their collections. Jessica Simpson was the guest judge.

Andy's collection was relatively bland. The main colors were silver and a lime green and all the girls were wearing these wire head pieces with stars on them. I had no idea what purpose they served other than to make the looks futuristic. Which didn't really happen.

Gretchen's collection was less pop of color and more neutrals with a touch of green or red every now and then. Most of the prints she used were kind of tribal/giraffe. The whole feel of the collection was relaxed and I also picked up a bit of safari from it. It was more interesting than Andy's but it wasn't my favorite.

Mondo. I loved his collection so much. The colors were so bright and the patterns were so vivid. This is what putting on a show is all about. The best part is that most of the pieces were actually wearable. Most of the ensembles weren't, but the pieces alone were. The only thing I wasn't totally in love with were the head pieces. They were big flowers combined with some feathers and the looks didn't really need them. I loved his whole DotD/circus concept. It was very prominent in the designs.

But, I'm not a judge. If I was Mondo would've totally won. After a very split decision the judges announced that Gretchen was the winner of season 8. Mondo was second and Andy was third. As always, you can see photos of all the looks at

Wish you well,
St. Ann

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